Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Skurk
Core Facility Human Studies, ZIEL – Institute for Food & Health, Technical University of Munich
+49 8161 71 2007
Head of the Core Facility Human Studies at the ZIEL Institute for Food and Health, Technical University of Munich
Prof. Skurk studied human medicine in Regensburg and Würzburg. After the completion of his studies, he became junior doctor at the German Diabetes Research Institute in Düsseldorf. In 2003 he became research associate and study physician in the group of Prof. Hans Hauner at the Technical University of Munich. He was assigned coordinator and studies management of the Human Study Center in 2009 and became head of the Core Facility Human Studies at the ZIEL Institute for Food and Health in 2014.
The research of Prof. Skurk focuses on adipose tissue biology and, clinically, on metabolic and obesity related diseases like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and lipid disorders.